Clarity Values

Clarity Values

Clarity is a strongly-typed language. Its types define both what kind of data can be stored and how data should be formatted within Clarity variables. This language feature means developers need to declare variables and type values correctly but it also ensures that Clarity contracts are very predictable. micro-stacks has a full implementation of Clarity Values (CV) as well as a number of helpers to make it easier for developers to focus on the core application functionality.

Clarity Type System

Here is a brief overview of Clarity's types and their corresponding Clarity Values:

Import typeClarity TypeNotes
intCVintsigned 128-bit integer e.g., 0, -220, 29529342. The minimum value is -2^127 and the maximum value is 2^127 - 1
uintCVuintunsigned 128-bit integer e.g., u0, u2962412.The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 2^128 - 1
boolCVboolboolean value (true or false)
principalCVprincipalobject representing a principal (whether a contract principal or standard principal)
bufferCV(buff max-len)byte buffer of maximum length max-len.
stringAsciiCV(string-ascii max-len)ASCII string of maximum length max-len
stringUtf8CV(string-utf8 max-len)UTF-8 string of maximum length max-len (u"hello world")
listCV(list max-len entry-type)list of maximum length max-len, with entries of type entry-type
tupleCV{label-0: value-type-0, label-1: value-type-1, ...}tuple, group of data values with named fields
someCV(optional some-type)an option type for objects that can either be (some value) or none
responseCV(response ok-type err-type)object used by public functions to commit their changes or abort. May be returned or used by other functions as well, however, only public functions have the commit/abort behavior