Saving data on Gaia
To save data with Gaia, @micro-stacks/react
exports a helpful hook usePutFile
that wraps the library react-async-hook
This hook handles asynchronously encrypting and uploading data to the default Gaia hub.
import { usePutFile } from '@micro-stacks/react';
import * as React from 'react';
const filename = 'hello-world';
const contents = {
foo: 'bar',
const MyGaiaComponent = () => {
const [gaiaUrl, setGaiaUrl] = React.useState(null as null | string);
const { isLoading, error, hasError, data, putFile } = usePutFile(`${filename}.json`, contents, {
onSuccess: url => setGaiaUrl(url),
return (
{isLoading && <div>loading...</div>}
{hasError && <div>{error}</div>}
{data || gaiaUrl ? <div>file path: {data || gaiaUrl}</div> : null}
<button onClick={() => putFile()}>save file</button>
Last updated on July 9, 2022